Threshold Model SL 10


Threshold SL10 preamplifier and power supply

Vorverstärker mit schönem Klang.
Optischer Zustand siehe Bilder, mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren
Das Gerät ist geprüft und gewartet, voll funktionsfähig.

Threshold SL10, Nelson Pass vintage preamplifier with separate power supply
Active Circuit Data:

performance of basic gain stages. (measured to IHF standards A202 for distortion specifications).

preliminary phono gain stage:

(all measurements made at highest input impedance) FREQUENCY RESPONSE: .3 Hz through 500,000 Hz, +0, -3dB.

SQUARE WAVE RISE TIME: .5 microseconds.

TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: .015% second harmonic @ 50 millivolts out .. 03% second harmonic @ 100 millivolts out, NOISE: (preliminary phono gain stage + RIAA gain stage): -80dB A weighted referenced to 1 volt out. – 72dB unweighted referenced to 1 volt out.

CROSSTALK: (left minus right) > -7OdB @ 1,000 Hz.

INPUT OVERLOAD: 70 millivolts peak for any frequency. INPUT IMPEDANCE: selectable 1 through 15 ohms, 15 through 30 ohms, 30 through 50 ohms.

RIAA phono gain stage:

RIAA EQUALIZATION: no greater than .5dB deviation at frequency extremes.

TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: 012%. 20Hz through 20,000 Hz @ 2 volts out. typically: .008% @ 1.000 Hz.


NOISE: -90dB A weighted referenced to 1 volt out. -75 dB unweighted referenced to 1· volt out.

CROSSTALK: (left minus right) -70 dB @ 1.000 Hz.

INPUT IMPEDANCE: 47.000 ohm and selectable 100 pI, 200 pf. or 400 pf.

INPUT OVERLOAD: 320 millivolt peak @ 1.000 Hz. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE (tape out): 1,000 ohms. GAIN FACTOR: +33dB @ 1,000 Hz.

High Level Gain Stage:

(performance of the basic gain stage outside the system) FREQUENCY RESPONSE: dc through 500,000 Hz. +0. -3dB. SQUARE WAVE RISE TIME: <.6 microseconds. PROPAGATION DELAY: input to output transit time: <.02 microseconds.

PHASE SHIFT: <10 degrees at 1,000,000 Hz. SLEW RATE: 150 volts/microsecond.

TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: .003%, 20 Hz through 5,000 Hz .. 006%, 5,000 Hz through 20,000 Hz @ 5 volts out into 10,000 ohm, 1,000 pf load.

SMPTE INTERMODULATION DISTORTION: .008%, 10.000 Hz @ 5 volts out into 10,000 ohm, 1,000 pf load.

CROSSTALK: left channel to right channel; -6OdB @ 1,000 Hz. tuner to auxiliary; -65dB @ 1,000 Hz.




Faceplate: 19 inches wide, 2.62 inches high.

Chassis: 17 inches wide, 2.215 inches high, 8 inches deep. Power supply: 8 inches wide. 3.375 inches high, 5 inches deep.

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Gewicht 11 kg